7 Spiders to Identify in Maryland

Living with spiders isn’t a practice anyone wants to endure, luckily there are ways to get rid of these creepy insects and prevent them from calling your home theirs. Maryland is home to several different types of spiders, and some that aren’t necessarily native, but show up on occasion and should be noted. If you think you have a spider infestation, you should educate yourself on some common information about the different species in Maryland, and know when it’s time to call a trained professional from On The Green Inc. Here’s some spiders you can find in our state and how to identify them and the tracks they leave behind.

Black Widow

The black widow spider is the only native spider that is venomous in Maryland. These spiders are fairly common in our state and surrounding areas but are usually found outdoors. The female spiders are considerably bigger than their male counterparts and often kill and eat them after mating! These spiders are fairly easy to identify if you ever come across them with their signature red hourglass mark on their underside. A good rule is to stay away if you see red and black on a spider in Maryland.


Watch out when handling wood

If you’re moving wood outdoors, be on the lookout for black widows. Wear long sleeve shirts and gloves to be safe. They usually won’t go out of their way to bite unless they feel threatened, so if they’re on any wood they may panic and attempt to bite.

Seek help immediately if bitten

Unlike other spiders, you’ll definitely be able to tell if a black widow bites you. You will feel a sharp and painful bite if they get ahold of your skin. You should seek medical attention as soon as you suspect a bite, make sure you tell your doctor if you think it was from a black widow as they will be able to help.

Educate young ones

Show your children pictures of black widows and teach them how to identify the spider. They should know to avoid these spiders as they can cause serious damage.

Where they like to hide:

  • Mailboxes
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Baskets
  • Flower Pots
  • Sheds
  • Wood piles
  • Basement window wells
  • Under porches
  • Brown Recluse

Even though this spider is not native to Maryland, there are always some reports of finding brown recluses in the state. The theory is that they show up in Maryland from hitching rides from the south and then stay up during the warmer months. Brown recluse spiders are very venomous and if someone suspects they’ve been bitten they should seek immediate medical attention and try to safely catch the spider to identify it at the hospital.

Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders can grow a leg span of around two inches long. They’re brown and have a dark cross pattern on their back. They’re somewhat furry and bulkier than other spiders which can help you identify one. You will find these spiders outdoors usually, however they have been seen inside especially in older log cabins and houses surrounded by forests or trees. These spiders are mildly venomous, though their bites usually only cause slight discomfort and itchiness in the affected area. Some people may develop an allergic reaction to a bite and should seek medical attention if their symptoms go further than just an itch.

These spiders hunt insects outdoors and don’t make webs. If they end up indoors it’ll be around the fall when it starts to get colder outside. To keep these guys back from trying to get in your home it’s best to keep bushes and shrubs away from your house and to seal up any existing holes are cracks connecting the outside to the inside of your home.

Yellow House Spider

These spiders are about a quarter inch long and have yellow-green bodies with darker legs. They move at a fast pace and tend to move into homes in the late fall just like Wolf Spiders. Their webs are usually built in confined areas.

Cobweb Spider

Cobweb spiders like the indoors and will move into an inside area when they’re small. Here they will then attempt to establish an area by building a web and trying to catch insects. If you see their web knock it down and if they are present squish them with a fly swatter, or safely release it outside. If you are persistent about eliminating spider webs from your home, you shouldn’t see these guys around.

Jumping Spider

These spiders are the ones you will most likely see on your ceiling during the late fall. They’re black and hairy and often mistaken for black widows. They move around in fast short jumps and runs and are about a third of an inch long.

Crab Spider

Crab spiders are usually found outdoors and can be seen on flowers. They tend to be yellow, white, or reddish in color and have legs that stick out from their sides giving them a crab resemblance. They can’t live indoors, so you don’t have to worry about them paying rent.

If you have an issue with spiders or other pests in or around your home, contact one of our trained professionals today at On The Green Inc to solve your issue and keep your family pest free! Give us a call today!

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