Turf Disease

Turf disease is horrendously damaging. When left unchecked, this problem can devastate your home’s lawn and landscaping. To protect your property, engage the experts here at On The Green, Inc.! We promise to provide you with a top-tier fungus control program. This program features both preventative and curative fungicides as its primary components.

The Problem of Die Back

Fungus infestation can be a nagging issue for many different types of organisms. Although we tend to think of lawns as not subject to disease, it is actually alive and can be infected by disease. It serves as a miniature ecosystem. Fungal infections can spiral out of control until they culminate in the dreaded condition known as “dieback.” You’ll know it when you see it – mainly because of the circular-shaped dead spots on your lawn. When you take a closer look, the dead spots reveal themselves to resemble long lesions or spots on the grass stems.

Troublesome Environmental Factors

The diseases themselves are caused or intensified by several environmental factors. Humidity, heat, constant rainfall, poorly managed irrigation schedules, and dulled lawnmower blades all have something to do with the degree of damage. Effective treatment can require multiple applications throughout the summer; 2 to 4 fungicide applications should be enough to prevent damage from early onset to fall.

To help reduce disease potential, change your lawn care habits and consider completing the following tasks instead:

  • Practice deep, infrequent watering
  • Re-sharpen mower blades regularly.
  • Watering in the morning instead of the evening
  • Use certified disease-resistant seed
  • Mow fescue lawns at 3.5-4 inches

By attempting to alter how you maintain your lawn, you’re contributing to our efforts in managing an effective fungus control program!

Three of the Most Common Summertime Lawn Diseases

At this point, you’re probably wondering what are some of the most common summertime lawn diseases and what do we see most often here in Maryland? First off, there is Brown Patch Disease or Rhizoctonia solani; Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa); and Gray Leaf Spot, also known as Pyricularia grisea. All three of them can be controlled and even healed via our Fungus Control Program. High-quality fungicides can eradicate damage and repair the lawn, so your investment is more than worth it!

How You Can Identify the Presence of Fungus

Let’s discuss some of the quicker and easier ways to diagnose the fungus creeping through your lawn. For instance, you might notice how parts of the lawn are turning brown or yellow. You’ll begin to notice distinctive brown or yellow patches or rings. Then, as the diseases progress, new symptoms appear. These telltale signs manifest as spots on blades and stems. The spots display a cottony or spider-web-like mass (known as Mycelium) of fungal growth that certain fungi produce when the turf is wet. Alternatively, it could be due to high humidity.

Our Four-Step Fungicide Program

Our four-step Fungicide Program is how we can tackle even the most extensive patches of fungus on your lawn. Preventative and curative fungicides are used to shield turfgrass and accelerate its natural healing. The summer is particularly harmful to your lawn, and all of that stress will build up over time. We know this, and we will strive to minimize that damage by using fertilizers specifically formulated to support the plants’ cellular structure. When added to Fungicide, this solution can help repair the grass and make it more resilient to future damage.

Dealing with the Landscape – Leaf Spot, Mildew and Blight

Leaf Spot, mildew, and blight can also present stubborn problems that will be hard to resolve. Although you may assume that these pests are easy to deal with, the truth is very different. Let the experts at On The Green, Inc. handle them for you – that way, you know the problems will be treated promptly and efficiently. Besides, you’ll have that extra layer of protection granted by professional expertise! Our premium services will leave you with peace of mind knowing that your landscape will look even better than ever before!

Find the information you need? Then fill out our Free Estimate form and one of our experts will contact you to discuss your lawn care needs. Still have questions? Feel free to Contact Us. We are always happy to answer any concerns you may have. For Fastest Service, give On The Green, Inc. a call at 410-695-0444.