What Grass Seeds to Choose in on Your Area? Our Lawn Treatments Experts in Millersville MD Have the Answer

In spring, overseeding your lawn to fix the bare patches is the best thing to do to enjoy a dense, lush yard and garden the entire year. However, depending on your area, you can choose among cool-season, warm-season, or transition grasses and turf varieties. Today, our lawn treatments experts in Millersville MD are here to present you with some of the best grass types to grow outdoors, depending on your living area.

Cool-Season Grasses

Cool-season grasses usually thrive in the upper two-thirds of the United States, where the seasons fluctuate between hot summers and cold seasons. Such turf varieties fare the best when the temperatures are between 60F and 75F. As you can easily imagine, these grasses tolerate very well drought and shade. While they do tolerate some lack of water, you should discuss with your local experts for lawn treatments in Millersville MD about irrigation, as prolonged hot summer weather turns them brown. Here are some examples of cool-season grasses to consider for your lawn revamping or building projects:

  • Tall Fescue;
  • Fine Fescue;
  • Perennial Ryegrass;
  • Kentucky Bluegrass.

Warm-Season Grasses

In comparison to their cool-season brethren, these turf varieties thrive in temperatures above 75F. They grow best in the lower third of the United States and have a high tolerance for heat and drought. Of course, it does not mean you should not water such grasses. However, your local lawn treatments experts in Millersville MD will take good care of lawns built with warm-season varieties. Here are some examples:

  • Bermuda Grass;
  • Augustine Grass;
  • Bahia Grass.

Transition Zone Grasses

Experts consider the transition zone the central tier of the United States, an area in which summers are too hot for cool-season grasses, and winters are too cold for cool-season turf varieties. Companies that provide lawn treatments in Millersville MD recommend using a mix of transition zone turf varieties for improved heat/cold tolerance, deep root systems against droughts, and resilience to the combination of weather conditions. Here are the best-known examples of transition zone grasses: Zoysia – an excellent choice if you want a lawn withstanding almost all weather conditions and high foot traffic;
  • Tall Fescue – another superb option for yards that need to resist different weather conditions, foot traffic, and the usual wear and tear of front lawns.
  • For more information on turf varieties, ask your local lawn treatments experts in Millersville MD about the best blends of seeds for your lawn project this year! Make sure you understand their maintenance and irrigation requirements, together with fertilization and mowing needs.

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