
Our goal at On The Green, Inc. is to offer our entire landscaping and engineering knowledge to maintain the most effective irrigation possible. We understand how grass and plants can benefit from just the right amount of water.

What You Need to Know About Our Irrigation Services

Our irrigation maintenance services keep your irrigation system performing at it’s best, to ensure your lawn stays hydrated and healthy.

On The Green Inc. Irrigation Maintenance Program

This three-step service focuses on lowering water consumption, less nutrient loss, and the healthiest landscape possible.

I. Spring Start-Up

  1. Turn on the water supply and check system for leaks
  2. Run the system through a test cycle to ensure proper operation
  3. Adjust sprinkler heads for correct radius coverage
  4. Clean nozzle filters as needed
  5. Set Programming for Spring Schedule

We will note any required repairs for owner approval. We will begin the spring watering schedule, starting with a conservative plan of 1-2 days per week.

II. Mid-Season Inspection

  1. Run the system through a test cycle to ensure proper operation
  2. Adjust sprinkler heads for correct radius coverage
  3. Clean nozzle filters as needed

Our technician will also program a summer schedule, which includes a 3-days-a-week heavy watering to promote deeper roots and a healthy landscape.

III. Fall Winterization

This proactive approach saves money by eliminating the possibility of cold weather cracking and breaking.

  1. Shut down and winterize Back Flow Preventer
  2. High Volume Air Compressor used to remove water from plumbing
  3. Turf off and replace up the battery in Control Module Panel
  4. Label all internal plumbing as winterized

Find the information you need? Then fill out our Free Estimate form and one of our experts will contact you to discuss your lawn care needs. Still have questions? Feel free to Contact Us. We are always happy to answer any concerns you may have. For Fastest Service, give On The Green a call at 410-695-0444