Our ant control services in Crownsville are available to help you maintain the ant-free landscape you want and deserve.
You deserve to enjoy your time outdoors in your yard in Crownsville, whether you’re playing with your kids, hosting a party, or simply relaxing. However, having a good time when ants are annoying pests that won’t go away can be hard. On The Green, Inc. offers a range of services to help you take back your yard and thrive in your own space without those pesky bugs. Our ant control services in Crownsville are available to help you maintain the ant-free landscape you want and deserve. Contact us at On The Green, Inc. today!
The Importance of Ant Control
Ants are annoying, invasive, and, in some cases, dangerous—our Flea, Ant, and Tick Control Service target pests during their active periods. While seemingly harmless, ants can bite and cause allergic reactions, especially in children. They ruin crops and, in large numbers, can invade your home. Don’t let these annoying insects ruin your outdoor fun and endanger your family’s health.
How to Protect Your Lawn Against Ants
Investing in ant control services is wise to protect your property, but there are some things you can do to avoid an infestation in the first place. Raking over ant hills is a great way to stop ants from infesting your property. Ants prefer to nest in dry and sandy soil. Given the hot temperatures of summertime, conditions are ideal for them to build their homes on your lawn. When ant mounds go unnoticed long enough, the outside cones harden, protecting them against further damage. Raking the dirt covers up their holes and prevents them from creating new underground tunnels.
What On The Green, Inc. Can Do for You
While most pests are annoying, ants are aggravating and potentially dangerous. A few ant bites might not seem like a big deal, but ant bites can quickly turn uncomfortable, especially if you have an allergic reaction to the bites that cause excessive swelling, itching, and redness.
On The Green, Inc. will work to ensure that your family, property, and pets remain protected with our ant control services in Crownsville. Our licensed professionals employ numerous strategies to combat ants, including:
- A professional assessment to identify, treat, and make recommendations to correct potential source areas;
- Appling an Insect Barrier to your lawn, open landscape beds, and wooded areas to kill and prevent incoming insects.
- Each application repels new incoming insects for four weeks.
- Our ant control service includes six visits throughout the warm summer months to target the active periods of ants.
On The Green, Inc. Lawn Care is Here for You!
On The Green, Inc. was established back in 1994. We started as a small business that served the area around us. We’ve expanded tremendously in the decades since, focusing on quality, customer service, and outstanding results. Incorporated in 1997, our brand has become renowned throughout the state of Maryland. Do you adore social media? Email us at [email protected], call us at 410-695-0444, and find us at our street address: 777 Annapolis Road, Gambrills, Maryland 21054. Grow with us on Facebook and Google!